Discover how the world’s largest reference station network can empower your work
We process more data than any other provider from reference stations around the world to deliver reliable coverage, enabling you to increase productivity, solve availability and communication problems and seamlessly integrate positioning data into your workflow. Learn how HxGN SmartNet works and ways your business will benefit.
High-accuracy for surveyors
"Our rover automatically connects to the SmartNet Network RTK service, making locating and surveying very easy and, more importantly, efficient and accurate."
Peter Eimansberger
Stadtwerke Bad Tölz
Locally based service teams
“The HxGN SmartNet team came to my aid when I needed to quickly update our coverage access during an in-progress project. Their fast response enabled our work to resume without delay. ”
Steve Bayliss
Technical Manager- Barton Construction
Real-time positioning
“Real-time positioning with HxGN SmartNet gave our team the ability to accurately and constantly monitor the construction process with total confidence. ”
David Rolton
Rolton Group
Legal documents
Download HxGN SmartNet general terms and conditions, Data Sheets, and more.
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Technical support
If you need help with your existing HxGN SmartNet subscription, request support.
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HxGN SmartNet przekształca największą na świecie sieć stacji referencyjnych w precyzyjną usługę do pozycjonowania. Otwieranie firm na nowe możliwości rynkowe i łączenie z podmiotami, które wcześniej nie były dostępne.
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